dear authorities
thank you for reviewing cycles of my insanity so quickly
I greatly appreciate your interest in my mental disability
and that besides issues with my large weight and high blood pressure
I bet your agent can help me subscribe to your monthly newsletter
full of valuable information on convenient ways to hang me
or shoot bystanders at the nearest covid-19 test sites
as well as other dedicated to public safety distancing centers
which include but are not limited to
pretty much everywhere in this thrifty municipality
These stubborn individuals surely deserve that
for not wearing protective tampon faces properly
federal government and Jesuits recommend
I always knew you would provide me with the confidence to act myself out
and resist
resist normalcy
in a spectacularly useful to high society and local administration way
as locking me up on a funny farm would be a very undesirable change
in a policy to keep this city ghetto-enclosed
and overdosed on heroin and of course
Whiteness Is Indefensible
Black Lives Matter
Marxism is great if you run out of crack
and yes
please take formal notes as
few sporadic murders will immediately follow this short thank you letter
to democratically and carefully selected by numerous others African mayor
and her white freak “fille de joie” I admire with all my heart
for making me look normal
sharp and collected