come closer
I belong to you
like you belong to me
this time
I chose you wisely
my brother
my wild twin
my fate to nowhere
I chose you
before abandoning the safety of planes above
entering the abyss of dust
trying to again
change the prophecies into future done
fulfill another incarnation of never-ending self
fascinated with mortality
constantly running into an ambush of restless lives
slaves to one another
we were bitten by the snake
taken prisoners
before we even had a chance
to save each other
we are watching blood being drained from hypnosis
chaos spiral into orders of war
birds fall off the sky
what a deserted place of self-harm
with guns constantly pointed at brains trying to make sense of
manipulative disorder
while alienĀ dead hand
one by one
is claiming certificates of belonging
mine of both
separate ways
to death