Simple Moon Song

they don’t own any of my thoughts
everything I have known is mine
grown with love
my magical crop
my sacred flowers of mind

in case of an intrusion on my garden
the rising
the shining Sun of my intellect
overrides what they twisted around
shocked or disturbed

carefully reconstructs
Devine insights they decapitated with conspiracy of silence
resists compliance
after they violently contaminated the past of my race
with false memories
true crimes
they got away with

As I walk through my existence
I clearly see imitations behind faces
rivers to inconsequence
wasteland and swamp
like a maniac question manufactured toys of anti-nature
breathe deep through doubt
struggle upright when under pain of decay

mirror Moon
bloody Moon
your phantoms
won’t dwell in me
I am a life maker
and this collective trip
will put me to a better death
than at the last juncture
with your energies

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