out went the light
alas the guests never got off the train
clinging to balloons of their slippery fate
drunk with hot air embolism hitting their veins
what else can I say
to touch on massive overdose of native hell here
off the rails
my brain is done
doesn’t know right from left
up from down
crawling on my face
cutting corners to cross over fair and square
Hi it is me, your Paranoia
can I come in and sing redemption song?
even her brother Moon in the bloody sky
is digging for clues on walk and turn
wondering punk
house to house
night by night
we bumped into each other by chance
after shooting stars fell apart in the middle of a shadow dance I learned
when looking to recover from the bottom of my darkest hour
years ago
hours on end
right after the world ceased being sober
and ours
I miss your whisper
but you should have screamed
to wake my dreams
God damn
you waved goodbye, my Queen and friend
you waved goodbye and killed
the only mockingbird I knew how to feed
by hand