kiedyś umrę
pozostanie po mnie tylko śmierć
jej śmiech
oczerni me usta milczeniem głupca
życie to przekonannie
wiec konam w ostateczności
to jedyne wyjście z pogrążenia się w ciele
i jego zmysłach
fabrications of the Dark Side of the Earth
wealth and artificial path of the Moon
following waves of ocean of misery
lowest layers of fate
hit and run episodes against distant shores
their lands overrun by human apes and followers of sacrificial death
sin hungry
sitting at a table to eat the flesh
and mainly
slowly eating ourselves
we are
in the house
where the blessed ones are all dead
and mystics are high with a promise of future people born
and living the same lie
to parasite on
ignorance of overlord
ignorance of purpose
my human mother is torn
naturally hesitates
If I am to be
another herd thing
back in the nights
the Moon tries to ride the darkness
to hell with me
everything down that needle
takes a trip to my shadow
free fallen at God’s feet
On 9/11/2001
on 9/11
every American has become a Pole
unhinged human of 2001
branches of apple tree
sank to the ground
only the smart ones ran into insanity
the blinds into the Cabal’s lie
on 9/1
this is how we felt
heart of Europe 1939
can’t speak for the others
collapsing walls
demolished lives
bushes burning in vain with no angel
did all the talking to us
even today
we barely survive designer wars to terrorize the ape
farce of justice
premeditated crime takes place behind the silver screen
talking heads inside crystal jungle
advocate coin flip of kill and heal
following faces
following words
system of hidden membranes and eyes
Unhinged human is not
a pleasant sight in the Eye of the Beholder
how does the data for perception feel
when step after step is taken
from below any comprehension
and madness is claiming names
of family members
so undeservingly
through fire
the herd is being put to sleep
sick place
where I have three hours left
to recover from the lowest frequencies
from the illusions they set
to trap us
Angel’s song
hey you
child of man
don’t live a life you gonna regret
don’t die death the world will forget the next day
there is only one Sunrise at a time
and you get till Sunset
to take your chances
for the damage done is who you really are
Young man
when you wake up for the Judgement Day
you will come around
and live the eternal gift of life
that’s all that matters
all that matters to birds singing prayers to calm your soul
close your eyes
it is divine
the sleep
may God be with you
you need him more than I ever did
all yours
Guardian Angel
surprise surprise
high above
I got nothing out of it
but a taste of life
and death
and love
and hate
you name it
you name it, child
for the damage done is who I am
on Earth
in Heaven
in Past
and Present
never forgotten pain
of losing you
Just a bad dream
Of remaining alone here
to watch
the dust
At the end of the day
I can’t see tomorrow anymore
can’t bring it back to life even in my mind
from the very edge of now
to the foreign loneliness of coming acts
future is dead
and I blame yesterday for becoming EVERYTHING
for running this life to the ground
its paths walked in circles
the design of invisible walls of time we hit with our faces
all around and closing past
as we wake up to the rite of passage
every man for himself
defenseless child
The way
there is no money in poetry
because poetry knows
if you asked me
money and greed are the sources
of all evil
and poets die not because they can
but because their words
show them the way to an early grave
if they fail as souls
my friend
are suffering you carry to the very end
thus words of suffering
are what poets use
to paint
the pains of our sick
violent ways
serve to appease the grief and sorrow
of Unbearable
we poets challenge
by being born
to languages confused
ambush of maintenance
Jews have murdered The Messiah and cunningly deny their crime
Catholics follow The Beast into the living tissue of ancient lies
I am stuck
between the two faiths for apes
by their broken Words
their superstitious and cynical ways to get through to God
funny how
this became my Hallelujah
on a Sabbath Day, I do not observe
as I am likely to go to some fabricated hell
some ZOO here on Earth
instead of sleep
as the Bible says I would
regardless of my sins
sooner than later the truth will poison me
but before I swallow it
I need a cigarette with human flesh in it
to please whomever that is
I try not to understand
Ojca i syna
W Polsce ziemia pachnie inaczej
inaczej pachną pąki nocy
inaczej pachnie sen rozkoszy
wewnętrzny obraz
z którego budzisz się pod drzewem życia
zbłąkanym psem
oszalałym zwierzęciem ojca i syna
bez wiary
na brzegu jeziora ognia
pod krwawym milczeniem Księżyca
na bezdrożach przed końcem pokoleń
wołam cię wewnętrznym głosem
w najwyższym czasie
jeszcze pod Słońcem
opamiętaj się
Going prodigal
No fucking way
the lost son is coming back
he has found a weeping tree with a coolest shade
bed of green grasses with a solitary flower of hope
plant of stunning beauty and smell
it tells him:
” Look son,
everything will be OK.
Sins can be washed off with a sudden rain and these clouds…
these clouds will soon break into little droplets of Heaven.
Forget limbo of purgatory or torments of hell.
Everything will be forgiven to brethren.”
After it is done talking,
it sighs glancing at him sleeping
in the shade of the silent tree
the lost son has an attention span
of a firefly
it is brilliant how he shines
for the shortest vehicles of time that take him
places of no regret and no sorrow
last night he even dreamed
his father died
so mother-nature took care of his feelings of guilt and waste
and he now loves being the lost son
who threw away his phone
and chip
not a significant source
of happiness
sweetest home
of far away
from before the ancient time began
from before the nights aligned the silent skies of the universe
from before my eyes were forced to watch the birthing plains of Earth
my hundred trillion mortal cells
my food
my always waking flames
that burn themselves to ash
and selfish
the reptilian brain that isn’t just me
but my Soul’s Repetitious Death Trap
always at the center of my mind
in the shape of dedicated fear
Portal to Nothing but Dust
asking why
why so much happened but refused to last
as more
than just an illusion
when I separate
I will not be back
to its deception
I am staying home
The forgotten vocabulary of sex
I miss the desire from
when I still had time
mantras to instincts activated by awakened senses
Its blood
rhythm and cloud of power
domination between verses transformed into voices
whispers in my head I couldn’t ignore
and I had to devour
Presence of Human Female
or next to me
waiting to be touched
by more
than the boring rest of my life
I miss
this basic human language
Vibrational Illusion Inside
that saves living organisms
from oblivion
of Self
The I
I am hanging
down the rope
and I myself
brought me here from infancy
I am
not alone
eroding into the barren soil
at this point
in life
I believe
this is not holy water
falling on my face from above
under constellations
renamed by my enemies
I lost
to mystery milestones and slave rites around them
we were close
but our ascent to life-transforming peace and harmony
both never found
thus I am fading
as doubt and unbelief are burning
mark of the Beast into my skin
I recon second thoughts missed the point
as if nothing could take control of our destiny
Everything did
solid ground
Promised Land with a garden
are presumed dead since the beginning of the End
we missed crystal-clear meanings
of crystal-clear words
and crystal-clear signs
of what’s essential to Light
newspeak got the better end of us
and now
I am just an I
blind to You
blind to humankind